Gba Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Patch Download

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Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Also known as: Super Mario: Yoshi Island (JP)
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: August 5, 1995
Released in US: October 4, 1995
Released in EU: October 6, 1995

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused enemies.
This game has unused objects.
This game has unused modes / minigames.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused abilities.
This game has unused text.
This game has debugging material.
This game has regional differences.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a prerelease article

Download Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (V1.1) for Super Nintendo(SNES) and play Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (V1.1) ROM Game on Your Computer or Phone! Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Sound effects A collection of sound effects and music from Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2 in WAV format.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is the in-name-only sequel (or is it a prequel?) to Super Mario World. This time, Yoshi is the star of the show, Mario is an annoying baby, and the development team was evidently into some very heavy drugs. Nevertheless, it's an excellent game, but is surprisingly difficult. It is only one of four released SNES games to make use of the Super FX 2 Chip, the others being Doom, Winter Gold, and Star Fox 2.

  • 2Debug Settings
  • 4Level Design Leftovers
  • 5Unused Sprites
  • 6Unused Transformations
  • 7Lost Mini-Battle Content
  • 9Unused Objects and Object Graphics
  • 10Unused Palettes
  • 13Early Object Graphics


Unused Background Content
Unimplemented background graphics and palettes.
Unused Object Graphics
A large group of object graphics unseen in normal play.
Version Differences

Debug Settings

Some leftover debug code is available in the game, and can be reactivated using a few Pro Action Replay codes. (Note: these codes are for the version 1.0 US ROM.)

Freeze Frame


With this code activated, press Start on Controller 2 to toggle freeze frame mode. While this mode is enabled, hold L on Controller 2 to advance one frame at a time, or R to do the same after a slight delay.

File 2 Level Clear


With this code activated, playing on File 2 will allow you to exit any level and mark it as cleared by pressing Start and then Select.

File 3 Full Clear


With this code activated, File 3 will be marked as fully cleared, with a full inventory and 99 coins. Additionally, holding L + R when selecting the file will start the game with 99 lives.

World Map Debug


With this code activated, on the world map, press L or R on Controller 2 to immediately view the game's ending.

Additionally, if you're playing file number 3, you can press Select on Controller 2 to view the 'world complete' animation for the current world, or press A to set all of your scores for the current world to 100 points and unlock the Extra stage. Note that doing either of these before you've actually finished the world legitimately can lead to glitched world map behavior.

Free Movement


With this code activated, during a level, press Up while holding L or R on Controller 1 to toggle free movement. This disables collision with foreground objects (but not sprites) and lets you move anywhere in a level. While in free movement mode, holding A while pressing any direction on the D-Pad will allow for faster movement.

Additionally pressing X and A while holding L or R on Controller 1 while playing a fortress or castle will immediately warp you to that level's boss room.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Area

Super mario world 2 walkthrough
Room DC

This is what appears to be an early castle room. It uses the default level music and the castle background, not animated. This room was probably used as the ongoing testing room, and the developers added or took away warps and objects as needed. The room contains a variety of objects, some of which don't have associated graphics, as a result they will appear completely garbled. The objects in this room are: Piranha Plants, a yellow Mufti Guy, a Potted Spiked Fun Guy, a Flamer Guy, two crates, two Egg Flowers, and the balloon pump from 4-7.

There are several pipes, none of which have defined exits, and one door that leads to the proper entrance in Baby Bowser's room (Room ID: DD).

Level Design Leftovers

Watch Out Below!

There is a winged cloud placed above the Chomps in the middle of the level. Since there is no terrain near the sprite, the screen will never pan to it, and it is too far away to hit with an egg.

Burt The Bashful's Fort

In one area of Level 1-4, right after the lava pit with the pink moving platforms, there is a wall ledge that does not appear because there is no wall object placed behind it. The platform itself is three blocks wide and hints that the surrounding area used to be different during development.

Salvo The Slime's Castle

More sprites

Two Super FX rotating platforms and a transparent tile (highlighted in tan) can be found one screen above the used rotating platforms.

The Cave Of The Mystery Maze

A secret entrance arrow sprite can be found in the cave room, directly below the hidden cloud with the door. Seeing as how there are no switches in the room, it is never activated. If it were, it would lead to the same bonus room.

Additionally, some extra sprites can be found in the level's third area, the one-screen transition room before the stone block area (room BD). An unusual combination of two falling wall activation sprites, two Grinders, and a watermelon float out 2-3 screens to the right of the room.

  • Unused Arrow, Sprite D1

  • Unused Sprites

Lakitu's Wall

That light blue thing.

In the car room of Level 2-7, a helicopter bubble can be found lodged in the ceiling above the first part of the room. It is possible to reach its location, but this part of the room is cut off the top, and as such would never be seen anyway.

Welcome To Monkey World!

Underground Monkeys

In the second room of Level 3-1, several sprites can be found under the ground and in an empty screen. These include Grinders, a Piranha Plant, and a Watermelon, which is placed next to one of the Grinders. Note that the Grinders carrying Watermelons in the final game are separate sprites, so this placement is unusual.


Prince Froggy's Fort

Secret sub

The hidden room in Level 3-4 has evidence of an earlier design with a different exit. Special tiles (shown in purple) prevent the camera from scrolling up into the top left portion of the room, with an exit-to-the-side sprite hovering a little above the ground. As the corresponding exit for it is gone, the warp will only lead to the default location.


A lone bouncing Green Koopa Paratroopa sits in the middle of the ground in the first room of Level 4-1, at coordinates (7C,7C).

Marching Milde's Fort

Originally, the hub room 3-4 and all four branches were located in the same room, 55. At some point, the right-hand side branches were relocated to a new room, AA. However, a few sprites were overlooked during the duplication and cleanup process. As such, a Snifit and two Bullet Bill blasters can be found in room 55, and a Lava Bubble and bucket can be found in room AA, all floating out in the middle of nowhere.

Interestingly, the bucket copy indicates it was once three blocks to the right from its final position.

Hookbill The Koopa's Castle

In the first room, there is a section where two Koopas fall from holes in the ceiling. However, the level data shows that there was originally a third Koopa. For whatever reason, the third hole in the ceiling was removed, but the Koopa was left stranded.

Also in the first room, at the breakable block in the floor, there is a wall ledge placed just below it. However, because it is not placed on top of a wall, it doesn't show up. Below is an image of where the wall is located (the purple icon), as well as an image showing how the ledge would appear if there was a wall behind it. The reason this section was changed at all is that the breakable block is made of tiles and would leave a hole in the wall when destroyed

Another unusual sprite placement can be found in the room just before the boss battle room, 59, at coordinates (47,44). This copy of the boss door seems to indicate that the room was originally taller.

In the boss room itself, there is an unused exit near the start of the room. This is highly irregular, as Yoshi is never supposed to leave boss rooms after entering them. Not only that, but the only door in the room (which is blocked) is placed outside of the exit area. If the exit were to be somehow used, it would take the player to the first room of the level, just inside the floor (indicated here with a green square).

  • Trapped Koopa

  • The purple thing

  • The ledge revealed

  • Duplicate Boss Door

  • Unused Screen Exit

  • ...and where it leads

The Impossible? Maze

Super Mario World 2 Ds

The level actually has two Goals, with the second one located past the first one and off the ground, at the far end of the room. Since the first Goal sprite prevents the camera from scrolling past it, the player never sees it. If the player were to somehow reach the second Goal, it would appear inside the wall near the ceiling.

There are four sprites placed far out of the level, three in one room and one in the other. As with Marching Milde's Fort, these sprites are merely neglected copies from when both sections of the level were located in the same room.

Sluggy The Unshaven's Fort

In the section with the Platform Ghost, where the 1-Up Wing Cloud is, there are actually two arrows pointing up at the cracked block. However, the second arrow is placed so low that most of it is cut off by the screen, leaving only a couple of black pixels on a black background. A trained eye can notice them when the Platform Ghost passes behind it.

Shifting Platforms Ahead

Lonely flower

A flower out of place can be found high above the jagged line guide section, at coordinates 6A, 08. Because no terrain is present in this section of the level, the camera won't pan to it. It seems to be too far out of reach for an egg to hit it, but it's not.

Secret Coins and birds

Also, some hidden coins and sparrows can be found near the clouds with the baron-von-zeppelins. Because of their position, the poor little birds plummet to their doom the moment they spawn. They can be seen for a few moments if Yoshi recklessly leaps off of the cloud. And, while not entirely unused, there is a well-hidden set of coins above the red platform guide in that same area. They can only be seen if Yoshi looks up and jumps off the platform in mid-flight. It is possible to collect them with a well-aimed egg, but doing so is suicidal.

The Very Loooooong Cave

Good luck getting it open.

In the beginning section of the last room of the level, there is a closed door that the player exits from when coming from the alternate path. However, there is a screen exit that leads back to the alternate path's door, meaning it was not always closed. Backtracking would have allowed the player bypass the auto-scroll in the alternate path room, indicating that this change was made to fix a developer oversight, or that the alternate path was not always auto-scrolling.


More secret coins

At the top of the dark bonus room in 6-7, there is a hidden line of coins above the wall. While this isn't actually unused, it is incredibly obscure and never hinted at. Because the exit warp blocks the right side of the path, the only way to reach them is to transport a Little Mouser from below to the ledge you started on and bounce off of it while it is hopping.

Castles - Masterpiece Set

In the very first room of Extra 6, near the start of the level, is a hidden platform ledge. Like with 4-8, it doesn't appear because there is no wall behind it. The placement of this two-block-wide ledge suggests that the room underwent a significant change in layout.

Unused Sprites

Unseen enemies and enemy behaviors.

Mouser in Nest

Sprite ID: 32 (odd X coordinate)
The Little Mouser in nest sprite has a strange behavior when placed at an odd coordinate, it acts very similar to a Piranha Plant from the original Super Mario Bros.: it is hidden behind the terrain, after a second the Mouser will emerge from the ground and look around, then hide behind the terrain again. If Yoshi is near the sprite, it won't appear.

The sprite itself has no collision whatsoever, it does not interact with Yoshi or any of the rest of the sprites. It was simply meant to be a decorative sprite.

Red Bullet Bill and Cannon

Sprite IDs: 78, 7B
This red Bullet Bill cannon is completely functional but left unused in the game. The Bullet Bill follows Yoshi, slowing down until coming to a stop and popping. While the Bill moves, it opens and closes its mouth. This enemy was used in the GBA port Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3, in the Secret Level for World 6.

Morph Bubbles

Sprite IDs: AF, B0, B1, B2, B4 (odd X and Y coordinate)
All morph bubbles have an unused behavior: depending on which side of the screen the sprite is first seen, it will float horizontally towards Yoshi, that's it.

Boo Blah with Piro Dangle

Sprite ID: E3
There is a Boo Blah variation that spawns a Boo Blah holding a Piro Dangle in its hands (or on top of its head when moving). Other than the Piro Dangle being attached to the Boo Blah, they both have their usual behaviors and animations. These two enemies only appear together in one sprite set, 17, which is only ever used in the Baby Mario Star room of 2-5, which has no enemies.

Bubble Flower

Sprite ID: F1
An unused variation of the Egg Plant exists that spits bubbles at a regular interval.

Cactus Jack

Sprite ID: 156 (odd X coordinate)
The Cactus Jack enemy has an unused behavior. When placed at an odd X coordinate, three of them will fall down and form a stack. As long as one Cactus Jack is left, more will come down.

Double Swap Platform

Sprite ID: 162
A complex object, made of a rotation block and two spiked rotating platforms. Hitting the block in the center causes both platforms to rotate around the center 180 degrees, pausing halfway. The object makes a slamming noise every time the platforms stop moving. While the platforms are in the process of moving, the block in the center is shown red and upside-down, and cannot be hit again. Unlike the regular Rotation Block sprite, the one in the center does not budge when hit.

Thunder Lakitu

Sprite ID: 166 (odd X coordinate)
If the sprite is placed at an odd coordinate, it will spawn two Thunder Lakitus, similar to the original Lakitu sprite used in the game. Note that when using two Thunder Lakitus, especially when they shoot fireballs simultaneously, they cause immense slowdowns and surrounding sprites tend to vanish. It might be one of the reasons it was never used.

Unused Transformations

Three transformations were fully drawn and animated, but never used in-game. They would have been rather interesting, but were cut for unknown reasons.


It's a hoppy jumpy Mushroom.

The mushroom actually has some partial coding, and you can transform into it using PAR code 7E03830A. However, you're stuck in mid-air and cannot move until you transform back.


A simple plane, possibly made obsolete by the helicopter transformation that was in the final game. Yoshi would ultimately get a plane transformation in Woolly World.


A walking tree. That's pretty much it.

Lost Mini-Battle Content

Three bonus games were removed before release. Use PAR code 7E03A7XX (where 'XX' is one of the below) to access them.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Lost Game 1

Bonus Game ID: 06
A generic Mini-Battle room. The game has a timer and scores, like the coin collecting game, though there aren't any gaps in the walls.

Lost Game 2


Bonus Game ID: 0E
A unique Mini-Battle room design with some otherwise unused graphics! There's a 99-second timer and a Bandit score of 4.

There are broken tiles for both the missile generators and houses. It's likely that the houses would have to be destroyed to win the game. The 'D' on the houses likely stands for dorobou, the Japanese word for 'thief' (Bandit's Japanese name is Borodou, a play on this word). The palette here is just a guess.

The missile graphics are only present in the Japanese version of the game.

Lost Game 3

Bonus Game ID: 10
What seems to be a racing mini-battle. A mini-map can be seen at the top of the screen.


Wooden ceiling tiles that match the walls.

Note: The following graphics are only found in the Japanese version. They were removed from every other version.

This should be used when the Bandit loses the balloon mini-battle, but his expression never changes.

A sprite of Baby Mario sitting with an odd palette. It has a completely different design from the rest of Baby Mario's sprites.

A small Shy Guy and some kind of sphere. While the Shy-Guy graphics look nearly identical to the ones used by Woozy Guy, there are actually some slight differences. In the standing pose, there is an extra black pixel on the mask. The biggest difference, however, is the addition of orange highlights on the head and arms.

These appear to be pieces of a wooden cart, which may have been intended to appear in the third lost bonus game, given the presence of rails on the ground.

Unused Messages

This message pops up when a lost mini-battle is accessed. It translates as: 'If you can find Bonus Cassettes, you can enjoy Bonus Challenges! You can also gather Coins for the same benefit.' This message is definitely from earlier in the game's development.

(Source: Tauwasser (translation))
  • Melon Drawing
    (ID #00B0)

  • Half-Melon Drawing
    (ID #0100)

  • Alternate Ground Pound Drawing
    (ID #0180)

  • Alternate Egg Throw Drawing
    (ID #01C0)

Four unused message box drawings. The half-melon drawing has been partially erased (or perhaps was never finished), but the others are intact. The latter two drawings' text is part of the image.

The text translates as 'Stomp with direction key', and 'Throw with Y button'.

A unique title card that is only displayed correctly in the Japanese version. There are copies of World 1-1 filling empty level slots, and this title card appears before them. It translates as, appropriately, 'Yoshi's Island - Hollow Grasslands'. PAR code 7E021A15 will warp you to one of these levels.

Unused Objects and Object Graphics

Grasslands Tileset 1

Extended Object IDs: 4D, 4E, 4F
Some ground bushes can be found in the grasslands tileset.

Object ID: N/A
A ground pattern with no object defined.


Object IDs: 0A, 0B
A pair of unused ledges with flat ground.

Object ID: 7D
Left: in-game, right: corrected palette.

Some grassy wall ledges similar to the ones found in the beginning of 4-1. When placed in-game, these tiles use the second palette row normally reserved for foreground tiles which has a purple palette assigned to it, causing them to have strange coloration.

Stone Bridge

Object IDs: 3F, 40
These sideways spikes come from the tile set for the pseudo-3D stone block areas. Other than the blue spike balls, sideways spikes never show up in the game.

Object ID: A5
An upside-down pipe which cannot be entered.


Object IDs: 0A, 0B
While these flat edge tiles are used in the game, they are located too high up for the camera to reach and thus cannot be seen by normal means. These can be seen in one area of Secret 5 in the GBA port.

Marble Castle

Object ID: 42
This is either a pillar with dark shading, or a broken pillar. The tiles for it in the other castle tile sets have been blanked, indicating these tiles were scrapped before the other ones were finished. The normal pillar is shown on the left for comparison.

Extended Object ID: 30
Each of the castle/fortress tilesets have tiles for a 32x32 block that would have been used to liven up the walls. For the normal castle set, there is a small circular window amid the bricks. Unlike the ones in the other castle sets, this one only looks right when placed with the normal flow of the bricks.

Here is an example of what it would look like in action.

Object ID: N/A
Each of the three castle/fortress tile sets have tiles for variations of the main brick blocks with shadowing along the top. This would have been used to give more detail to the bricks when connecting to other tiles (e.g. horizontal castle platforms).

Object ID: N/A
In each castle tileset there is a smooth arch for the background walls. They are similar to the window tiles, but rather basic and uninteresting. It is possible these were the original look for the windows. They each only use four tiles.

(Source: Peardian)

Grassland Tileset 2

Extended Object IDs: 32-45
Unused grafitto with weird mountains tiles and water.

Object IDs: 0A, 0B
Unused flat land edges without grass at the top.

Object ID: 7D
Another set of grassy cross section ledges. Unlike the ledges in the cave tileset, these use the correct palette.

Extended Object ID: 32
Left: in-game, right: corrected palette.

Even though there are levels with wall rails using this tileset, the The train rail platform was never used. Similar to the grassy cave platforms, this object displays a wrong coloration when placed in game. It was meant to be only used with palette ID: 07

Extended Object ID: 4C
Also, Mouser nest was never used in grassland tileset 2 so it goes unused.

Wood Castle

Object ID: 4A
A unused pillar...with a very odd design.

Extended Object ID: 30
For the wooden castle tile set, this decoration is a patch of broken wood with gears showing underneath. Due to the way wood is set up, this would have disrupted the normal flow of the wooden planks.

Object ID: N/A
The shadowed brick also exist in the wooden castle tileset.

Object ID: N/A
Again, the arch is similar to the windows used, but without any roughness or crossbeams.

Stone Castle

Object IDs: 54, 56
While the set has tiles for all of the different angles for wall ledges, only the flat and 45-degree-angle versions are used.

Extended Object ID: 30
The decorational tiles for this set show an odd block with a carved face.

Object ID: N/A
Once again, there is a shadowed brick like in the other castle sets.

Object ID: N/A
Of the three arches, this one is the most interesting. Besides the unusually bright trim, the wall pattern is actually the one used in the first castle set. It is unknown if this is simply a result of copying the other one, or if it indicates this tileset originally used the same wall pattern.

(Source: Peardian)


Object ID: 0A
While both of the flat ledges are used, only the right facing one can be seen in one area of level 6-1: Scary Skeleton Goonies!. The left facing ledge is used but is located too high up for the camera to reach and thus cannot be seen by normal means.

Object ID: 6D
The wasteland areas found in World 6 have unique graphics for the ground pound posts. However, none of these areas have sharpened posts.

Object ID: 7D
Cross section ledges for wastelands, never used.

Object IDs: 87, 88
Flat ground for wastelands, never used.

Extended Object ID: 4C
For some reason, the (unused) Mouser nest found in the Wastelands tileset uses a transparent background instead of a black background.

Extended Object IDs: 4D, 4E, 4F
A bunch of flat ground decoration.

Object ID: N/A
Another generic ground decoration but without any object defined.

Global Objects

Object IDs: 64, 65
Two duplicates of the brown platform. There are some metatiles for gray and blue variations of the brown platform located at xC5202 (Gray) and xC521A (Blue), but the duplicated platforms still point to the same tilemap as the used brown platform.

Object IDs: 82, 83, 84 and Extended Object ID: 17
Green coins objects that act like red coins when collected, these objects do increase your red coin counter but will play random sound effects.

Extended object ID: 46
An object version of the colored egg block, it is very glitchy, as the colored eggs are randomly generated, sometimes generates nothing or simply crashes the game. There are metatiles for another colored egg block located at xC87EA, like the unused brown platform colors variations, this is never called for this object and therefore, unused.

Unused Palettes

Animated Palettes

An unused and very odd variant of the crystal animation, which doesn't seem to fit with the cave tileset. Oddly enough, it fits perfectly with the brick castle tileset; perhaps it is just an animation from an early tileset.

Alternate Sprite Palettes

  • Palette ID: 01

  • Palette ID: 07

Two unused palettes. They don't fit with any of the final's sprites.

Unused Island Sprites

A number of the sprites found with the Mode 7 rotating view of the island are unused and indicate the island was previously more decorated than in the final version.

A sprite of a (rather large) egg. Yoshi's eggs are never seen on the world map, and are certainly never this large.

A strange object that vaguely resembles a cable car. It is possible this is how Yoshi was originally intended to cross the mountain range instead of walking through the air.

A large jungle tree. It bears a resemblance to the removed jungle tree graphics.

A smaller version of the hole-in-the-ground sprite seen in the World 6 map.

A round mushroom, in two sizes. The only kind of mushrooms that are used are tall flat mushrooms, in World 6.

Small tower sprites, meant to represent the fortresses in the game, which don't appear on the island. Their designs are consistent with the depictions in the individual world maps. There are actually four of them, but one is used for the towers that surround World 3's castle. The red fort is for Worlds 2 and 4, the rocky fort is for Worlds 3 and 5, and the capped tower is for World 6. The used tower would have been for World 1.

World Map Hidden Tiles

There is a row of garbage tiles hidden at the top of the World 1 tilemap. These tiles are arranged similarly to the tabs used to switch between worlds, which may indicate that the tabs and world map were part of the same tilemap in early versions of the game.

In World 4, a lone pine tree and some pink tiles are placed at the bottom of the map, completely unseen.

Early Object Graphics

Some earlier versions of existing object graphics remain in the ROM.



Alternate graphics for Yoshi spitting watermelon seeds. The early version's cheeks are not as puffed up.

Yoshi Car


The final version removes this early sprite's odd eye shading.

Yoshi Train


This earlier version of the tiny Yoshi Train sprite incorrectly colors the train's 'nose' green.

Big Boo


The Big Boo's face was redesigned for the final version, though the body was not changed. The palette is also different.



More early graphics. The Boos mellowed out in the final version, and since they share a palette with Big Boos, their colors changed as well.

(Source: Peardian)



Early graphics of the doors have less space in-between the two halves. This unfortunately creates a rather unsightly black line running down the boards on the one-way doors.

The final locked door graphics still use the earlier, thinner graphics, although the keyhole ended up bisected like the aforementioned boards.

Incoming Chomp


Though a complete version of the Incoming Chomp graphics are in the ROM, the game only uses the left half of the sprite, mirroring it to save space. This unfortunately eliminates the shading of the teeth on the right side, and duplicates the shine at the top of the sprite.

Interestingly, these graphics are used in the GBA port.

Gba Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Patch Download Pc


Super Mario World 2 Walkthrough


The final design of the Snifit is larger than this graphic. The early design matches the size of the Snifits in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Error Message

If the game detects anything other than a Control Pad plugged into either port, it will display this error message until the offending device is removed. For some reason, it cycles the text through the entire 32,768-color palette by writing an incrementing value to CGRAM every frame.

The Mario series
NES/FDSSuper Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype; Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3
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See also
Yoshi • Donkey Kong • Wario
The Yoshi series
NESYoshi • Yoshi's Cookie
SNESYoshi's Cookie (Prototype) • Yoshi no Cookie: Kuruppon Oven de Cookie
Super Mario World • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island • Tetris Attack • Yoshi's Safari
Game Boy (Color)Yoshi • Yoshi's Cookie • Tetris Attack
Nintendo 64Yoshi's Story
Game Boy AdvanceSuper Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 • Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 • Yoshi Topsy-Turvy • Yoshi Sample
Nintendo DSYoshi's Island DS (Demo) • Touch & Go
Nintendo 3DSYoshi's New Island • Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World
Wii UYoshi's Woolly World
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Yoshi's Island is a Spin-Off series of the Super Mario Bros. franchise.

The games all star Mario's faithful dinosaur steed Yoshi, who originally debuted in Super Mario World. An interesting aspect of the series is that most of the games in the series are Prequels to the rest of the Mario series. In addition to the eponymous dinosaurs, the games feature baby versions of the staple Mario cast. Much of the games feature a baby Mario himself riding the Yoshis, and one of the main goals of the series is to protect Baby Mario from being captured by the Koopas, led by a baby Bowser and his caretaker Kamek.

The gameplay of the series is very similar to that of its parent franchise: run and jump through an obstacle course with tricky jumps, enemies to stomp, and castles with bosses. However, there are also a lot of differences as well. Yoshi has a great deal of his own abilities such as a Flutter Jump, the ability to eat and turn enemies into eggs, and throw said eggs as weapons. Unlike the Mario series, levels have no time limits; as such the levels tend to be longer than usual Mario levels, often averting When All Else Fails, Go Right. In games involving protecting Baby Mario, Yoshi's 'health' is a bubble of 'Star Power' that decreases whenever Mario gets knocked off Yoshi's back; it decreasing to 0 counts as a death, though other hazards such as lava and spikes can kill Yoshi without him losing Mario.


Aside from platformers, Yoshi has also starred in various other games ranging from puzzle games like Yoshi's Egg and Tetris Attack to the Light Gun GameYoshi's Safari. Elements from the Yoshi series have also been incorporated into the extended Mario series, with Baby Mario and Luigi often appearing in the spinoffs. Yoshi himself is a perennial playable character in the Super Smash Bros. series, where he is considered to represent this franchise as opposed to the Mario franchise where he originates.


Games in the Yoshi series:

Main Series

Other Yoshi games

  • Yoshi's Egg: Known as Yoshi in America and Mario & Yoshi in Europe and Australia — Puzzle Game, featuring the grown up Mario and Luigi; one of the early works of Game Freak.
  • Yoshi's Cookie: A completely different puzzle game, featuring the grown-up Mario, Peach, and Bowser. Developed by Bulletproof Software.
  • Yoshi's Safari: A light gun game. One of the few games for SNES's Super Scope. This game features the grown-up versions of Mario, 'Peach'note , and Bowser.
  • Tetris Attack: Yet another puzzle game, featuring the grown-up Bowser. Of course, it's really just a sprite swapped-version of the Japanese game, Panel de Pon. Also has nothing to do with Tetris.note
  • Yoshi Topsy-Turvy: Known by the name Yoshi's Universal Gravitation outside the U.S. — A very short platformer with a tilt gimmick and Yoshi's Story style graphics, as well as featuring the grown-up Bowser.
  • Yoshi Touch & Go: First DS game to bear the title. In a way, this game harkens back to the early days of the original Family Computer/NES, where the main objective is to get the highest score possible.

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The series provides examples of:

  • Advancing Boss of Doom:
    • The final battle against Baby Bowser. Not exactly an Advancing Wall of Doom, but once you hit him three times, he gets pretty pissed off and tries to charge into the foreground. Failing to defeat him in time makes him destroy the terrain, making you fall to your death. That is, unless you can perform the action seen here.
    • Sluggy the Unshaven is this- he cannot damage Yoshi in any way, only slowly advancing and pushing Yoshi back. However, the end of the platform leads to a Bottomless Pit...
    • The fight against Roger the Potted Ghost involves you in a push-of-war battle on a platform with one Bottomless Pit at each end.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: In World 2-1 of Yoshi's Island DS, you are forced to use Baby DK to play through the entire level the first time you play it, and you could only use Mario and Peach upon replaying the level. While Baby Peach had a good reason, Baby Mario gets no justification for why you can't use him. The same thing was done in both World 3-5 and World 4-5, with Baby Wario and Baby Bowser respectively. Again, no justification exists on why you can't use the other babies the first time around in World 4-5.
  • Antepiece: Lots. An example: Naval Piranha's castle features several rooms teaching the player how to ricochet eggs off walls to collect items. This is the only way to damage the boss at the end of the stage.
  • Art Shift: The platforming games are known to vary their artstyle between entries, usually based on some form of child crafting. The original Yoshi's Island itself used crayon aesthetics that's replicated by its direct sequels, Story uses a pop-up book style, Woolly World went with yarn constructs and Crafted World employs various arts and crafts.
  • Artistic License – Biology: When you are inside Prince Froggy, you are supposed to Attack Its Weak Point, which turns out to be its uvula. Only humans have uvulas. And the uvula isn't in the stomach, and it triggers the gag reflex, not a bowel movement.
  • Ascended Extra: The Stork was kidnapped along with Baby Luigi in the original game, but in Yoshi's Island DS, it now helps Yoshi out via the Stork Stops.
  • Attack Its Weak Point:
    • Lampshaded in the battle with Sluggy the Unshaven: 'Just remember, this slug has no weak points!' Unless you count the big red heart in the center of its body, that is. And guess where you have to aim at to hurt him?
    • Lampshaded with Naval Piranha as well. The name is a dead giveaway.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: All of the bosses are enhanced by Kamek's magic in order to make his monsters grow. Inverted with Prince Froggy, though; instead of him being 50 feet tall, you're 2 inches tall.
  • Autobots, Rock Out!:
    • Final battle theme with Mega Baby Bowser. Blistering electric guitars, anyone?
    • Getting a Heart Fruit in Story turns the level's soundtrack into a hard rock version.
  • Autosave: The game saves after every level. As does its DS sequel.
  • Auto-Scrolling Level:
    • Many, and they rank among the most obnoxious levels for both games. 'The Very Loooooong Cave' and 'The Cave That Never Ends' are utterly ridiculous with this, having the scrolling screen go in many different directions, crossing the same part of the level more than once in more than one different direction. 'Hurry and Throw!' contains a section that scrolls in an endless loop until you figure out how to reach the exit.
    • The section of Bowser's Castle just before the final fight in the original game, where Kamek desperately tries to zap you with his Magic Wand.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: In the sequel, Yoshi ends up carrying babies other than Mario.
  • Back for the Finale: Baby Wario and Baby Bowser return for the final level in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Background Boss: The original Yoshi's Island ends with this.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter:
    • Except it's not the babies delivering the battering...
    • There's also Kamek. When the first thing your charge does is stomp you flat, there's a reason why he panicks when Baby Bowser wakes up.
  • Bait-and-Switch Boss: Upon reaching the boss room in the level 'King Bowser's Castle', you'll at first only find Kamek ordering you to 'HAND OVER THE BABY!!!', then Baby Bowser wakes up and stomps Kamek flat. Happens again in Yoshi's New Island.
  • Batter Up!: Sluggers are capable of using their bats to knock back just about anything that is thrown their way, from eggs, to watermelon seeds, to Chomp Rocks.
  • Big Bad: Kamek
  • Big Boo's Haunt: Bigger Boo's Fort and Hector the Reflector's Haunted House.
  • Blackout Basement: A few areas such as the basement in Burt The Bashful's Fort are dark.
  • Book-Ends: World 6 Secret, 'Endless World of Yoshis' in Advance 3, the last segment of which is... the intro level, 'Welcome To Yoshi's Island'.
  • Boss Arena Idiocy: Tap-Tap the Red Nose is invincible to all Yoshi's attacks. Good thing he's just chilling on a stack of breakable blocks above lava!
  • Brutal Bonus Level: Pretty much all of the Secret and Extra levels are this.
  • Bubbly Clouds: 'In the Clouds' from DS and 'Welcome To Cloud World' in the original. Probably a few other secret levels too.
  • Bullet Seed: After eating a watermelon, Yoshi can spit watermelon seeds at enemies to kill them.
  • Canis Latinicus: In Yoshi's Island there are six main enemy classifications, each of which is given 'scientific nomenclature': Edibilis Boringusnote , Harrassimentia Phlyoverusnote , Projectilia Ritebakatchianote , Ucantia Defeatusnote , Dudim Phreykunoutonthisnote , and Mostosti Vomitonusnote .
  • Cat Smile: One of the fire enemies. raocow calls them 'Catoboos' because of this.
  • Checkpoint Starvation: The first four world's extra stages do not feature middle rings at all. Granted, the levels are significantly shorter than many of the regular ones, and one is a maze without a really significant middle point, but still!
  • Chekhov's Skill: Bouncing an egg off the wall. What, you thought the Naval Piranha level just happened to train that to hell?
  • Chest Monster: Fooly Flowers/Dizzy Dandies. They have fangs and an evil smile, and when you get near them, they fall down, and roll along the ground trying to kill you.
  • Children in Tow: The Huffin' Puffins are generally followed by a line of smaller ones. You can bump off the parent and use the children as egg substitutes. According to Yoshi's Story, the children don't mind.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Poochy, who got his own level in Yoshi's Island, appeared as a selectable character in Tetris Attack, had a minor role sniffing out fruit in a couple levels of Yoshi's Story, and since then has only gotten two cameo appearances in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and Mario Party Advance.
    • The Bus Came Back: Poochy returns for Yoshi's New Island.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Each different-colored Yoshi does the same numbered stage in each world (green starts with the first level, pink does the second, etc). The exception is the final world, which always ends with the green Yoshi.
    • Born Unlucky: The yellow Yoshi must brave through every fourth level which includes the fortress and mini-boss. The blue Yoshi has to storm every castle which includes the world's boss (except the last, which is Bowser's Castle for the green Yoshi).
  • Conspicuously Light Patch: Each level in the original game had 20 red coins, disguised as and placed among regular gold coins. However, if you look very closely, you'll notice that the disguised red coins have a subtle red tint to them, which makes them easy to distinguish from the gold coins once you know what to look for, especially on emulator. This was fixed in Advance 3 so they all look the same.
  • Constellations: Upon defeating Raphael the Raven, he flies off into the sky and becomes a constellation.
    • An extreme version of A Twinkle in the Sky.
  • Cosmetic Award: A Perfect Score in an Extra Level adds a Star on the title screen.
  • Critical Annoyance: When you get hit, Baby Mario floats around in a bubble crying until you get him back. You will also hear a beeping noise.
  • Crosshair Aware: The final boss, and a handful of regular enemies as well.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic: Mario is cute as a baby, but you won't like to hear him cry.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: Defied in the Artoon sequels, where there are two control schemes for people who have played either version of the first game.
  • Deer in the Headlights: The stork simply freezes and never bothers to escape in the two times he gets spotted by Kamek.
  • Defeat by Modesty: Burt the Bashful in the original and the Burt Bros. in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Degraded Boss: Big Slime/Salvo the Slime, a boss from the first game's first world, reappears in a few endgame fortress levels guarding keys as an altered mini-boss of sorts.
  • Delivery Stork: The stork helps deliver the babies home. And in DS, he can exchange babies.
  • Demoted to Extra: Poochy - see Chuck Cunningham Syndrome above.
  • Developers' Foresight: See Skippable Boss, where the game takes into account if you use a trick to defeat a boss before the fight technically begins.
  • Disc-One Nuke: in the original, getting 100% Completion on any given level is quite the feat, considering that, other than five flowers and twenty red coins - both well hidden - the player must also have his or her stars reaching the Cap of thirty by the end of the level; that said, managing to do so in every level in the first world awards the player with the Flip Cardsbonus minigame by making it accessible at will. This means that - especially when dissing the whole 'avoid Kamek and you get 10 lives' thing - you can use the minigame purely as a source for items, including a whole pack of egg-ammo, the possibility to tell red and yellow coins apart, an 'add 20 stars' item... you get the picture.
  • Distressed Damsel: Not Peach, surprisingly, as she's actually a playable character in Yoshi's Island DS (She does get kidnapped by monkeys in World 2-1, however.)
  • Distressed Dude: Baby Luigi in all three games.
  • Down the Drain: 'Naval Piranha's Castle' and 'The Impossible? Maze' in the original game and 'Big Bungee Piranha's Lair' in DS.
  • The Dragon: Kamek, though the most frequent antagonist in the game is the one to help out Baby Bowser in his final battle.
  • Early-Bird Boss: If you're going for 100 points, Burt the Bashful from the first game can be this. Burt's weak spot shrinks after each hit so timing your throws becomes much more difficult as he attacks you. One miss and you can kiss your perfect score goodbye. It doesn't help that the first castle boss, Salvo the Slime, is significantly easier.
  • Eating the Enemy:
    • Yoshi, being the Extreme Omnivore he is, can eat a multitude of enemies and turn them into eggs.
    • Also inverted; several enemies such as Pirahna Plants and Lunge Fish, and even one boss, Prince Froggy, can do this to you.
  • Elite Mook: The Zeus Guys. The near invicible bandit sub-species that throw energy balls at you and will punch and kick you if you get too close. They're usually in duos.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Nearly every boss level in the series is this.
  • Evolving Title Screen: The title screen places flags on finished worlds, switches to the final world once reached and adds instruments to the music.
  • Evolving Music: For each world you unlock, the map theme gets additional instruments.
  • Excuse Plot: Yoshi's Island DS, the story involving Bowser and the star children is put into action in the opening, but after that it's only brought up in the second-to-last world and is in a Meanwhile Scene that has no real effect on the actual adventure.
  • Extreme Omnivore:
    • Yoshi, obviously. He can eat most of the enemies in the game along with watermelons that can give him fire or ice breath.
    • Prince Froggy also qualifies because he eats you, forcing you to boss fight from inside his stomach. Froggy also eats Shy Guys.
  • Face Palm: The stork in the Yoshi's New Island intro upon realizing he brought Baby Mario and Baby Luigi to the wrong house.
  • Fake Difficulty: The invisible clouds in Yoshi's New Island, which half of the game's red coins and smiley flowers are hidden in, which only appear (very transparently) for a split second at a time.
  • Fat Bastard: The fat Shy Guys that are immune to being stomped due to their bulk. Yoshi can eat them to create huge eggs that act very similar to a POW block.
  • Flipping Helpless: This is how you defeat Hookbill the Koopa in Yoshi's Island and (adult) Bowser's first form in Yoshi's Island DS; Flip them over, then Ground Pound their underside to cause damage.
  • Floating Limbs: This might not be the case in official art, but in-game? Legs do not exist. There are only disembodied feet.
  • Foul Flower: Zigzagged. On one hand, there are some helpful smiley flowers, such as the five flowers in each level that Yoshi can collect for bonus points. On the other hand, there are some enemies based on flowers, such as Fooly Flowers, which pretend to be collectible flowers, then drop to the ground and start rolling at Yoshi when he gets close.
  • Future Me Scares Me / I Hate Past Me / Other Me Annoys Me: Baby Bowser and adult Bowser in Yoshi's Island DS do not get along well until they team up for the final boss fight.
  • Galactic Conqueror: Bowser aims to be this in Yoshi's Island DS. He would later try again in Super Mario Galaxy.
  • Gangplank Galleon: World 3 in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Generation Xerox: While they've always looked more similar than different, Yoshi's New Island uses a design for Baby Bowser that is perfectly identical to Bowser Jr. in every physical detail, minus the bandana, retconning what few tiny physical differences there used to be and adding even more to frequent confusion between them. It also doesn't help that the voice they use are stock clips of Bowser Jr.'s voice that are raised in pitch.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar:
    • Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy is called LustigesSporenDrama in the German version.
    • In one of the paths in Bowser's Castle, there is a bandit trapped in a small room with burning Shy Guys beneath his feet. Mook punishment?
    • After you defeat Prince Froggy, Yoshi squeezes down the bottom of his stomach. When the scene changes to outside, Froggy lays on his back in agony while Yoshi appears between his legs and grows back to normal size.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Bowser appears this way in Yoshi's New Island.
  • The Goomba:
    • Oddly enough, not the Goomba (which does appear but not until many levels into the game), but rather the Shy Guys from Super Mario Bros. 2.
    • Also Crayzee Dayzees, which appear later in Paper Mario.
  • Goomba Stomp: Well it is a Mario series, although here, it won't be your primary means of attack.
  • G-Rated Drug: Fuzzies.
  • Green Hill Zone: Much of the first world in all of the games in the series.
  • Ground Pound: Trope Namer.
  • Ground Wave: Both in the first game:
    • The ground wobbling and rippling is one of the side-effects while Yoshi is dizzy.
    • During the first phase of the Final Boss, both Yoshi and Baby Bowser's Ground Pounds cause damaging shockwaves that literally ripple across the floor.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: In DS, Baby Wario and Baby Bowser are only usable for very specific sets of levels, after which they leave the 'party' until the final level.
  • Happy Ending Override / Retcon: It turns out that the Mario Bros. were delivered to the wrong house, leading to the events of Yoshi's New Island.
  • Hard Levels, Easy Bosses: Marching Milde's Fort is long and challenging, but Marching Milde itself is pathetically easy to defeat.
  • Heel–Face Turn:
    • Baby Bowser in Yoshi's Island DS. And he Face Heel TurnsRIGHT BACK when you reach the Final Boss.
    • Also some of the bosses and enemies in Tetris Attack.
    • Most notably among the bosses turning good would be Raphael the Raven, who also appeared in Paper Mario and helped Mario get access to the volcano.
  • Here We Go Again!: The opening cutscene for Yoshi's New Island reveals the stork dropped Mario and Luigi off at the wrong house at the end of Yoshi's Island, and when he rushes to deliver the babies to their proper parents Kamek intercepts him and makes off with Luigi again.
  • High-Altitude Battle: Rapheal the Raven from the original and Moltz the Very Goonie in Yoshi's Island DS. Former battled on the moon, latter literally battled in free fall.
  • Human Snowball: If you hit a rock on a skiing level, you will trip and turn into one.
  • 100% Completion:
    • In Yoshi's Island, each level allows Yoshi to collect 30 starsnote , 20 red coins, and 5 flowers (each of which provides a specific number of points adding up to 100). In a single world, collecting a full 100 points from seven different levels unlocks a replayable Bonus Challenge that allows you to farm items or lives, and collecting 100 points in all eight levels of a world will unlock an Extra Level for the world, which also allows you to collect 100 points.
    • In the Super Mario Advance 3 version, defeating Baby Bowser also unlocks a Secret Level for each world with another 100 points to collect (for a total of an even thousand points in each).
  • I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!: Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy.
  • Identity Concealment Disposal: The epilogue in Yoshi's New Island reveals that Mr. Pipe, a warp pipe character that helps Yoshi if he loses too many lives in a incomplete level, is actually Adult Mario in disguise.
  • Immediate Sequel: Yoshi's New Island begins right where the original game ends.
  • Implacable Man: Tap-Tap the Golden, encountered in the cave behind Door 3 in Baby Bowser's Castle. He will steadily chase you across the cave and cannot be damaged or defeated by any means; even if he falls into one of the Bottomless Pits he will somehow manage to jump back out. Your only option is to knock him backwards with eggs and flee.
  • Interchangeable Antimatter Keys : In castle levels, it is apparent.
  • Interface Screw: Four words: 'Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy.'
    • The same thing happens whenever Yoshi will attempt to throw a giant egg.
    • There is also the 'Grim Leecher', which thankfully is encountered only in a bonus level in Yoshi's Island.
  • Interquel: Yoshi's New Island directly follows the original games thus is set before Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Invasion of the Baby Snatchers: In Yoshi's Island DS, where there's a worldwide baby-snatching spree.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: Mario (who else?) in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Jerk Jock: Sluggers and Green Gloves are baseball-themed enemies that can swing projectiles with their bats and throw eggs at Yoshi respectively.
  • Jungle Japes: World 3 in the original Yoshi's Island, and World 2 in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Kangaroo Pouch Ride: In DS.
  • King Mook: Nearly all of the bosses are bigger versions of enemies you've already faced before.
  • Last Episode, New Character: Baby Yoshi in The Stinger of Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Legacy Character: The Baby Green Yoshi born at the end of Yoshi's Island DS is implied to be the modern day Yoshi, which would mean that the playable (Green) Yoshi in these games is a different one.
  • Lethal Lava Land: Many levels, but Yikes! Boiling Hot! is the most obvious example of this, as the naming suggests.
  • Living MacGuffin: The seven star children (Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby DK, Baby Wario, Baby Bowser, and Baby Yoshi) in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Make My Monster Grow:
    • Just about every boss fight. It's almost a Running Gag for the final Bowser fight in the series now, after a basic fight against Bowser, he gets made 20/200 times bigger by Kamek's magic and ends up trying to crush Yoshi and the final castle level flat.
    • Inverted one time when Kamek shrinks Yoshi and he gets eaten by the boss.
  • Maniac Monkeys: Aw, look at the cute little monkey... wait, did it just steal Baby Mario from me? And why are the other monkeys throwing cactuses and bombs at me?
  • Marathon Level: The Very Loooooong Cave from the original game and Endless World of Yoshis from Advance 3, along with The Cave That Never Ends, A Light in the Dark and Yoshi's Island Easter Eggs from DS.
  • Meaningless Lives: In DS, it is very easy to rack up over 100 lives in the first half of the game. Subverted in that, in the second half of the game, you WILLneed them.
  • Minecart Madness: 'High-Speed Cart Race' in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Mini-Dungeon: Yoshi's Island games have fortresses at the middle of the worlds, and unlike in the more traditional Mario games, each of them has a different, unique Mini-Boss.
  • Monster Compendium: DS has a museum of every enemy defeated with an egg.
  • Mordor: The last World of every game.
  • Mushroom Samba: The Fuzzies, which cause Yoshi to stumble around as if drunk for a little while, screwing up his movements. As it happens, the 'scientific name' of the Fuzzies is Dudim Phreykunoutonthis.
  • Musical Nod: The end credits play a slowed-down remix of the Super Mario Bros. Course Clear fanfare.
  • Nerf: In Yoshi's Island DS, red eggs will not bounce off surfaces. Though it nerfs the egg projectile in general, the primary effect is that it makes exploiting the fact that eggs change colour as they bounce to gain red eggs harder than in the original.
    • DS nerfed the entire game in general by completely removing the inventory system. Now, not only can you not make the game easier by refilling your egg supply at the touch of a button or whipping out a melon to spit seeds at enemies, but you are now forced to guard your health bar with your very life, since you can no longer max out your star count at the goal ring simply by using a +10 or +20 star card.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: The TV commercial for the original SNES version. It made this game look like a Grossout Game.
  • Never Say 'Die': Kamek's euphemisms before the boss battles.
    Kamek:(before facing Roger the Potted Ghost) So give him here before you accidentally get hurt!
    Kamek:(before facing Marching Milde) Yoshi! Oh dear... Well, Marching Milde will pound you to bits!!
    Kamek:(before facing Hookbill the Koopa) Little Koopa come through for me now! Go forth and rock Yoshi's world!
    Kamek:(before facing Raphael the Raven) I banish you to forever twinkle in the heavens, BE GONE!!
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Herod!: If anything, Kamek's scheme to prevent the conflict between Mario and Bowser by getting to Mario while he was still an infant only accomplished the opposite effect; in effect, he began the conflict by getting the ball rolling.
  • Nintendo Hard:
    • Yoshi's Island DS.
    • As well as Crazy Maze Days from the original game, as well as Endless World of Yoshis and Kamek's Revenge from Advance 3.
    • Getting all of the totally useless stars on the opening screen in the original game and DS, which involved finding twenty red coins, five flowers, and having a completely full health meter on every level. It's even worse in Yoshi's New Island, since the game takes away inventory items (meaning you can't refill your star meter), and the game reduces your number of stars to the default 10 if you lose a life. So if you're at a checkpoint later in the stage, you might as well just try again from the beginning because you're not getting 100% completion.
  • No Name Given: Luigi, for some reason. He's just referred to as 'Baby Mario's brother' in the original, but is referred to as Baby Luigi for the sequels.
  • Non-Linear Sequel: Yoshi's Island itself to Super Mario World, taking place in the past, yet being named Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.
  • Nostalgia Level: Most of World 4, but especially 4-1, consists largely of classic Mario enemies including Goomba, Koopas, Piranha Plants and Wigglers, featured in higher abundance than other levels.
    • In DS, World 1-1 is a recreation of 1-1 from the original game, 1-4 is a recreation of 1-4 (complete with almost the same boss, except in Dual Boss form) while 4-1, 'Rock 'n' Fall', is more or less a combination of 'Visit Koopa And Para-Koopa' and 'Lakitu's Wall' from the original game.
    • Yoshi's New Island has the apparent final level, 'Baby Bowser's Castle Break-In'. Complete with Kamek ambushing, him suffering Bait-and-Switch Boss with Baby Bowser, Kamek then doing to the old Make My Monster Grow to him, them fleeing after his defeat, and the reunion of Yoshi, the babies, and the stork. And then adult Bowser ruins the whole thing.
  • Obstacle Ski Course: Two of the snow levels are this, one is regular, the other bonus. The latter also happens to be the most difficult of the six bonus levels... while being the fifth.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Yoshi's expression while he's shrunken by Kamek before Prince Froggy eats him. Oddly enough, he has the same look on his face after he goes through Froggy's other end after the battle, but that's probably because of how he came out.
    • Kamek later gets one in the same world if Yoshi performs a One-Hit Kill on Naval Piranha by firing an egg at her before even starting the battle.
  • Ominous Floating Castle: Bowser's Castle in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • One-Hit Kill:
    • Lava and Spikes do this to Yoshi.
    • The Lunge Fish. Much like his Super Mario Bros. 3 counterpart Boss Bass, Lunge Fish will try to eat you whole.
    • Boss Bass shows up in Yoshi's Island DS alongside Lunge Fish.
  • One-Winged Angel: All of the bosses do this.
  • Papa Wolf: Yoshi himself. Except for bottomless pits and a few instant-death traps, nothing can actually kill a Yoshi, and the player can kamikaze through entire hordes of enemies if necessary to get Baby Mario back before the timer runs out.
  • Platform Hell:
    • It would not be surprising if Endless World of Yoshis/Crazy Maze Days inspired or was inspired by various ROM hacks and Kaizo-type games. And the secret levels in Yoshi's Island DS fit this trope to a T, with the whole point of Yoshi's Island Easter Eggs being ludicrously over the top and somewhat unfair platform challenges.
    • Castles - Masterpiece Set is even worse, with a ridiculously hard obstacle course of one hit kill spikes. However this area can be avoided entirely by stocking up on green watermelons and simply blasting your way through.
  • Plot Tailored to the Party: DS is structured so that you have to use all of the babies at some point or another by setting up obstacles which require a particular baby's unique ability to get past.
  • Prequel: All of the games take place before the main Mario series.
  • Precision F-Strike: If Naval Piranha is defeated before his boss fight (see Skippable Boss), Kamek yells, 'OH, MY!' Where this trope counts is in the Japanese version: Kamek yells, 'チクショ〜!' ('chikusho~!'), which generally translates to, 'Damn it!'
  • Progressive Instrumentation: The Level Select theme adds an instrument for every world completed.
  • Proj-egg-tile: One of Yoshi's signature moves, introduced in the original game. New Island allows Yoshi to lay and launch eggs that are 20 times larger than him.
  • Promoted to Parent: Yoshi.
  • Regenerating Health: If the baby rescue timer drops below 10 seconds, it will slowly restore back to 10 once Yoshi rescues the baby.
  • Ring-Out Boss:
    • Roger the Potted Ghost can only be defeated by pushing its pot into a pit, and he is aided by a pair of Shy Guys who are busy pushing his pot in the opposite direction. Sluggy the Unshaven tries to push you into theBottomless Pit.
    • There's also Big Guy the Stilted in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Rise to the Challenge: 'Welcome to Yoshi Tower!' in DS.
  • Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...: In World 3-8, a message box that gives instructions on throwing eggs across water:
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Never forget,
    What I say to you,
    Timing is all,
    And aim true,
    Measure the angle,
    And win, do!
  • Rotoscoping: Bowser's sprites in Yoshi's Island DSactually come fromYoshi Topsy-Turvy, redrawn to fit the graphical style of the former.
  • Sad Battle Music: Parts of the theme for the final battle in Yoshi's New Island invoke this feel.
  • Secret Character: White Yoshi and Black Yoshi in Yoshi's Story. And indirectly in Yoshi's Island DS, which employs such Yoshis for its secret levels.
  • Serial Escalation: The first game has you face Baby Bowser and, after beating him, an enlarged version of himself. In the second game (DS), you first face Baby Bowser, then adult Bowser and finally an enlarged adult Bowser. In the third game (New) you fight Baby Bowser, then enlarged Baby Bowser, then adult Bowser, then enlarged Bowser.
  • Sequel Difficulty Drop: Yoshi's New Island. Indeed, some of the carryovers from the classic game have been simplified. Take the final boss fight, where the arena is much more forgiving, for starters, as you aren't threatened by bottomless pits.
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike:
    • Advance 3 added a handful of Secret levels that are pure Platform Hell.
    • Yoshi's Island DS is widely considered to be a much tougher game (unto even Platform Hell levels) than the original, with many dangerous traps that will execute you simply for the crime of not expecting them.
  • Sequel Reset / 'Shaggy Dog' Story: Yoshi's New Island actually starts with the original Yoshi's Island ending, revealing that the stork actually made a mistake and delivered the Mario Bros. to the wrong couple. So the stork is off to get the babies to the right parents when Kamek returns to capture them again.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Burt's dressed like Obelix. Probably a coincidence, but the French and German translators noticed it and gave them names which are anagrams of 'Obelix'.
    • Naval Piranha's name in German is Audrey, referencing Little Shop of Horrors.
    • The snowman enemies are called Dr. Freezegood, most likely a reference to the Mötley Crüe song 'Dr. Feelgood' (Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World already had most of the Koopalings and the Reznor mini-boss bearing music-related names).
    • In yet another musical reference, the purple, piranha-like enemy found in the sewers is called 'Hootie the Blue Fish' after the band Hootie and the Blowfish.
    • One not from the game itself, but its advertising: the original TV commercials for the SNES game were a send up of the Mr. Cresote sketch from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
  • Skippable Boss: Naval Piranha in the original game. If you position yourself on the far left end of the boss room ledge such that Kamek doesn't appear, you can throw an egg at the Piranha Plant to finish it off, skipping the entire fight against it.
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The first three levels of World 5 in Yoshi's Island, the second half of World 4 in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Space Zone: Raphael the Raven fought Yoshi on the moon, and Yoshi's Island DS has space rocket piloting sections.
  • Species Surname: All of the bosses have this kind of name.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': The Japanese version is romanized as Yossy Island on the box art.
  • Spike Balls of Doom: The ones in this game are spinning at the end of a spiky contraption. Lakitus can also throw orange variations of them. Later, blue ones can be found on walls.
  • Squashed Flat: There are 3D doors that fall down, and if Yoshi gets caught underneath one of them, he will peel off the door in a paper-like state (which was considered very impressive animation for SNES standards). This is also how Kamek ends up when you face Baby Bowser.
  • Stalactite Spite: In some of the levels, there are icicles which await for Yoshi before falling.
  • Stars Are Souls: When you defeat Raphael the Raven, he becomes a constellation.
  • The Stinger : Post-credits of Yoshi's New Island reveals that the pipe that spontaneously grew legs and eyes early in the game was actually a time-traveling adult Mario. In the darkness of the night he shreds his disguise and returns home.
  • Suddenly SHOUTING!: In the original game, one of the different paths in Bowser's Castle starts with a Hint Block that says 'RUN AWAY!!! HURRY!!!' When you go down the Warp Pipe, you are forced to flee from Tap-Tap the Golden. Maybe the talking block wasn't kidding.
  • Super Title 64 Advance: Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Swamps Are Evil: 'Prince Froggy's Fort' is located in a swamp.
  • Synchronized Swarming: The swarms of bees in the Jungle Hut stage of Yoshi's Story do not like noise and will form a large open palm to stop you if you're moving too loudly. (See Video Game Cruelty Punishment)
  • Take That!: Harry Hedgehog is a blue hedgehog who runs very fast and tries to ram into you. This is a jab at Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • Take That, Audience!: The Extra 1 level is named 'Poochy Ain't Stupid!' This is the game telling you that if you die at this level, it's not the dog that's stupid, it's YOU.
  • Team Pet: Poochy.
  • Theme-and-Variations Soundtrack: Yoshi's New Island features many (though not all) songs which are variations on the first level theme.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Wario's only advantage over the other babies is the magnet he carries. This only comes in handy for obstacles that are specifically designed to make use of it.
  • Throw the Mook at Them: Various games of the series have bosses that do this, all of which can be eaten to make eggs, which in turn can hurt the boss.
  • Time Keeps On Ticking: The second game's Time Trial mode will let NOTHING stop the clock. And it taunts you for it.
  • Time Travel: Adult Bowser came from the future in Yoshi's Island DS and Yoshi's New Island. It's not explained how Bowser did it, however.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Melons in Yoshi's Story.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: Nintendo Power's 'A Journey Through Yoshi's Island' promo video featured a clip of the Final Boss battle at the very end. It also mentions Baby Luigi during its summarization of the game's story, while the game itself never refers to him by name (in fact, he wasn't actually shown on camera until the very end).
  • Traveling-Pipe Bulge: Present in Yoshi's Island DS.
  • Trial-and-Error Gameplay:
    • Pretty much all Yoshi's Island DS levels, which seem designed to trick you into dying horribly via Death Traps you have to be psychic to avoid. Especially the skiing in A Light in the Dark and the egg powered platform in Yoshi's Island Easter Eggs.
    • Endless World of Yoshis/Crazy Maze Days in Advance 3. There's a blind free fall past instant kill spikes. Which you then have to do perfectly THREE times. With one checkpoint. There's also a place where you need to hold a flipper open with a Chomp Rock, which is never hinted as even possible in the rest of the game, and is required for 100% completion.
  • Tropical Island Adventure: As the name of the series suggests, the games take place on the titular tropical island.
  • Towering Flower: When Yoshi hits certain ? Clouds, the clouds will reveal a sunflower seed. When the seed hits the ground, it will grow into a giant sunflower, and Yoshi must climb to the top of it by jumping on its leaves.
  • Turns Red:
    • Happens literally for Raphael the Raven. Each successful hit against him makes him start turning redder and angrier. He becomes faster, and also gains a Shockwave Stomp attack.
    • Wiggler/Flutter does this too.
  • Underground Level: The Very Loooooong Cave and The Cave That Never Ends, along with many more.
  • The Unfought: In the original and DS, Kamek much prefers mutating enemies into bosses than directly confronting Yoshi. The closest he's come to a boss battle is when he attacks you throughout the final hallway in Bowser's Castle in the first game. Even then, he's more of an obstacle than a real enemy, and can't be defeated (if you attack him, he vanishes and reappears on another part of the screen). When you get into the boss room, it looks as though you're finally going into a real battle against him, but he only turns out to be a Bait-and-Switch Boss.
    • Averted in the case of Yoshi's New Island, in which Kamek becomes the fortress mini-boss for each world.
  • Unique Enemy: Red Bullet Bills that home in on Yoshi appear in the Endless World of Yoshis level of Advance 3, though they were technically Dummied Out enemies in the SNES game.
  • The Un-Reveal: The Mario Brothers' true parents finally appear in the epilogue of Yoshi's New Island. Like the couple in the prologue, though, they are silhouetted and their faces aren't shown, making their identities up to our imagination.
  • Warm-Up Boss: Again, Burt the Bashful in the first game along with the Burt Brothers in the second.
  • When All Else Fails, Go Right: Subverted at the beginning of both 'Hop! Hop! Donut Lifts' and 'Shifting Platforms Ahead'. Yoshi even turns around automatically if you don't move the moment you gain control of him.
  • Whammy: Kamek, in two of the Bonus Challenge games (Flip Cards and Drawing Lots).
  • Womb Level: The fight against Prince Froggy, where, instead of the boss being giant, Kamek makes you tiny, and Froggy immediately eats you up.
  • Videogame Cruelty Potential: One jungle level in Yoshi's Island DS is filled with happy, smiling, helpful, delicious monkeys.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: Hitting a swarm of bees with an egg in Yoshi's Story will get you PUNCHED by them.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • In the original, Kamek is not happy when you make it to Baby Bowser's room, and even less when he accidentally wakes his master up.
    • In DS, Baby Bowser throws a tantrum when he finds out his future self is still a loser trying to take over the world.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Kamek interferes with the stork to prevent the Mario Bros. from hassling the Koopa King in the future. This effort is, of course, Doomed by Canon.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Averted. Taking out Naval Piranha before Kamek has a chance to transform it doesn't seem so sporting.

Yoshi's Island (Naval Piranha)

Example of:
Skippable Boss
