Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch Download

How can I make use of 4GB RAM on 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate? Pdaus July 18, 2011. The only way Windows will address more then 2GB to user application is by using the 4GT switch. The problem here is that it will limit the kernel memory to only 1GB. You cant use 4 gb of ram on 32 bit OS, you wil need 64bit OS.

  1. Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch Download Pc
  2. Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch Download Windows 7
  3. Windows 10 32bit Ram Patch
  • A 32-bit version of Windows Vista can access up to 4 GB of RAM. A 64-bit version of Windows Vista can access from 1 GB of RAM to more than 128 GB of RAM. Memory access per edition.
  • Note: An updated version for Windows 8 is available. This patch allows you to use more than 3/4GB of RAM on an x86 Windows system. Works on Vista and 7, has been tested on Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP0 and Windows 7 SP1.
  • Home>How To's> SOLVED: Windows 10 Won’t Use Full RAM. How To's Windows SOLVED: Windows 10 Won’t Use Full RAM. You should know that if you have a 32 bit Windows 10 operating system installed. If you have more than 1 stick of RAM installed it is possible one may be faulty so remove any one them and start up your computer.
Active7 years, 5 months ago

Possible Duplicate:
Enabling PAE on Windows 7 32-bit?

I heard there was some kind of patch that let's a 32bit Windows installation use more than 3.25GB of ram(which is the limit for a 32bit OS).This patch doesn't remove the 2GB memory per process limit, but it will overall make the system user all the ram available.


marked as duplicate by Breakthrough, Moab, Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007, Nifle, Sathyajith BhatAug 11 '11 at 7:58

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5 Answers

I don't recommend using it, it's not stable. But if you do, good luck.


A group of programmers have released a kernel patch for Windows 7 to allow the usage of more than 4gb of RAM under Windows 7. Click here to download the patch, or view more information about it (warning, some side-bar advertisements are NSFW). The patch basically modifies the Windows 7 Kernel to be more like the Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, which is compatible with up to 8gb of RAM under 32-bit mode.

The patch allows you to extend the PAE well into 8gb of RAM under Windows 7 32-bit. For more information about why Microsoft implemented this technical limitation, see this article.

As mentioned above, note that individual processes will still be limited to 4gb even if the system can access more... Although if you had 8gb of RAM, then at least you'd still have another 4gb for other processes ;)

Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch DownloadBreakthroughBreakthrough
31.9k9 gold badges94 silver badges142 bronze badges

As far as I know, this isn't possible due to the inherent nature of 32-bit operating systems.

That is, due to the fact that they use 32-bit memory addresses, the OS cannot address memory past the ~3.25GB mark, as this requires a larger address for the memory.

Thus, the only real 'patch' that you can apply is an upgrade to a 64-bit version of your operating system.


Before applying/looking for a patch make sure your hardware supports 64bits. A 32 bits hardware will allow you to have a memory address of 4Gigs (addressable from 0 to 4294967295) which includes your RAM and all the addressable hardware such as a video card. Trying to change the address space of an OS might cause your system to crash requiring a new install.


Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch Download Pc

3,5142 gold badges15 silver badges19 bronze badges for me. Before applying it, I only got usable 2.5 GB from 4GB installed memory. As I have encrypted the whole disk with TrueCrypt, I don't want to go through the hassle of decrypting them, reinstalling Windows, installing my development stuff, etc.Did it work? I tried disabling the pagefile, then opening instances of Visual Studio until it barfed at 3.8 GB memory usage. Since I still have the original kernel, I tried booting the original kernel, and voila, it actually barfed at 2 GB memory usage. So yeah, it works.The caveat is, your program still only be able to access a total of 2GB private memory and 2GB shared memory. Remember that some application even share those 2GB memory. But unless you're using a huge memory eater apps like Photoshop or Premiere, things should do fine

Martheen Cahya Paulo

Windows 7 32 Bit More Than 4gb Ram Patch Download Windows 7

Martheen Cahya Paulo
1,2571 gold badge9 silver badges25 bronze badges

Windows 10 32bit Ram Patch

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